Meet The

Each judge has been carefully selected. The judges are listed here in alphabetical order (by last name). Please note that there are two categories of judges: the Evaluation Panel and the Selection Committee. Please take time to review their qualifications. Additional judges may be added in the coming weeks based on the size of the application pool. Judges will be required to reveal any potential conflicts of interest prior to reviewing submissions.

Evaluation Panel

Our Evaluation Panel is responsible for scoring and commenting upon each completed application over the four-week period between January 23 and February 20. Those judges’ scores and comments will be used to populate the rank order of each team, and you will receive detailed feedback, as described in our explanation of the scoring process.

Selection Committee

Once we have determined the finalist teams, they will be presented to a second panel of judges, the Selection Committee. These judges are a smaller group of highly qualified individuals who will determine the winning strategy.

An initiative of the Arizona Community Foundation, Republic Media, and Morrison Institute for Public Policy to create the Arizona of tomorrow. Made possible through the support of the Tashman Fund and the Lodestar Foundation.